miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015


Debido a mi situación actual, es realmente complicado ayudar a organizaciones que se dedican a rescatar animalitos de la calle y similares. Ni dinero, ni lugar ni demasiado tiempo para dar realmente una mano como corresponde. Es frustrante no poder ayudar bien, aún así no del todo imposible. 
Una muy querida amiga mía (Yftse) tuvo la idea de hacer una serie de ilustraciones sobre animalitos y donarlas a éstas organizaciones para que hagan rifas, almanaques, postales, las vendan por separado, etc. y con lo recaudado puedan seguir con su labor de rescate. Éstas ilustraciones fueron hechas exclusivamente con ese fin. 
Espero gusten, y otros autores también se prendan con iniciativas similares.

Due to my current situation is really complicated help organizations dedicated to rescuing animals from the street and the like. No money, no place nor too much time to really give a hand accordingly. It's frustrating not being able to help good, yet not impossible.
A very dear friend of mine (Yftse) had the idea of doing a series of illustrations of animals and donate it to these organizations to do raffles, calendars, postcards, sold separately, etc. and with the profits they can continue their rescue work. These illustrations were made exclusively for this purpose. They are part of a series of thirteen (or so) images that I have yet to complete, and when finished also summit.
I hope you like it, and others authors also join with similar initiatives.

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